A Plague of Shadows

I am extremely proud to be a part of the third anthology put together by the Written Remains Writer's Guild.  I was inducted into the Guild several years ago, with this being my debut piece.  

The stories within are all haunted tales, but not of the ordinary variety.  My particular story "The Black Dog of Cabra" follows two thieves, John and Thom, in their quest to find Captain Gallagher's treasure in Dublin, Ireland.  John insists that his father's tale of the treasure is real, but Thom has his doubts.  Will they find the treasure?  Will they fall victim to the Black Dog of Cabra?

You'll have to purchase this anthology to find the answers to these questions, as well as a host of other stories guaranteed to have you running for vaccination from the plague of shadows.

How to Utilize Giant Monsters

This piece is near and dear to my heart as it is the very first publication that I have.  In working with Justynn Tyme, founder of the All-Out Monster Revolt project, I was able to produce this wonderful tongue-in-cheek "instruction manual" for all hapless victims.

The manual covers all the topics that an aspiring Giant Monster survivor could hope to learn.  From What kinds of giant monsters are out there, to the various kinds of Giant Monster Engineers you can aspire to become.

If you like the weird and  absurd, or just like good old fashion Giant Monster riding, pick up a copy.  You can't go from hapless victim to Survivor without it!

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